Sale & Purchase has always been the heart of Shipping in regards of Profit Maximization. Shipping Cyclical market, has proved to be a fundamental aspect of Shipping entrepreneurs. Buying at the bottom and Selling when prices of vessels are firm, is an act that keeps the Shipping Companies profitable and cash rich in this Capital intensive market. Research outcomes and world economic news , can give a good insight as to when the time is right, for new acquisitions , or for capitalizing profits through high prices achieved. In Econav SA we have an extensive access to research figures , from the top Shipping entities , specializing in Data collection . Our extensive experience in the field, has proved to be an important tool, when it comes to service our clients, on deciding , and executing correct commercial decisions.
Not always the right time for construction of new Ships. Nevertheless , a depressed New building market is always an opportunity to strike good deals with the Yards in Korea and China, or achieving profitable contracts with the major Trading Houses in Japan , guaranteeing good specification Vessels at low prices. Our experience is ensuring top quality supervision and intelligent specification , with up-to-date requirements and continuous monitoring of yard’s performance. Always build when prices are low, and Order book is minimal.
This is the ‘’bread and butter’’ of any Shipowner. Correct decision making regarding the rotation of each vessel trading pattern, and close and sincere relationship with major Charterers , will ensure vessel maximum occupancy, with lowest possible Ballast time , and profitable contracts.
Relationships in Shipping is the magical trick, that can bring vital information , speed , quality service and effective commercial management to any Shipping entity. In Econav , we value our relationships , and believe in long lasting business associates, that can benefit through volatilities and globalization.